Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Another CIA Scandal

On Tuesday documents were released by the Senate Intelligence Committee which revealed illicit conduct done by the CIA. The 528-page report detailed CIA torture information. Individuals who may have been tortured by the CIA were suspected of terrorism. One would expect the CIA’s methods of obtaining information not to be pretty. The methods uncovered in the report, have caused a significant amount of outrage. The level of outrage caused by the report has not only upset politicians buy the public as well. The CIA is not only guilty of conducting brutal interrogations, but drone attacks and using secret prisons across the world.
            Since the 2001 terrorist attacks occurred the government invested more trust in the CIA. After the attacks in 2001 President Bush had placed, the upmost trust in the CIA in order to handle al-Qaeda. This level of trust invested into the CIA has led to billions of dollars in funding. The funding has allowed for the CIA’s counterterrorism efforts to increase their authority. Since 2001 the number of employees from, “a few hundred to more than 2,000” (Washington Post).

The reputation of the CIA is considerably damaged, because of this report. The report’s damage to the CIA’s reputation will not affect the agency’s power in Washington. Future generations will likely consider this one of many scandals the CIA has been involved with. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

D.C.'s Big Funding Bill

Last fall the government endured a shutdown. It seems to look as if another shutdown would occur this fall. On Tuesday evening the “House and Senate spending panels agreed to a $1.1 trillion dollar government funding bill” (CNN). This massive spending bill is expected to fund the state for most of the year. When the bill’s funding runs out the GOP will have control of both, the House and Senate. As of now both sides of the Legislative branch are still working on issues such as looser environmental reform policies and terrorism insurance. While other issues such as new banking regulations and the possession of marijuana in the D.C. area have already been approved.

Certain details of the bill had caused infighting within the GOP. Some members of the party wished to use the bill as a weapon against the administration. GOP members intended to use the bill to strip funding to executive orders. Namely, the Department of Homeland Security who’s budget is expected to last through February.  The shortened budget is in response to President Obama’s recent immigration reform. If the no agreement can be met soon, legislators may have to pass another bill in order to keep the government running, until the new funding bill is passed.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cyber Attack

Cyber terrorism has been a growing threat since the start of the digital age. Many of the world’s super powers have engaged in cyber-attacks in order to gain classified information. Last week, one of the very few cyber-attacks launched on the United States occurred. The attack was not on the FBI, CIA or any government agency with sensitive information. The cyber-attack was aimed at Sony Entertainment’s California office. While the attack on Sony may have occurred last week the FBI, has only began issuing warnings to businesses of such attacks on Monday. While the recently issued FBI reports describes the use of malware in order to obtain infiltrate computer networks it never explicitly mentions Sony. The report however, describes similar attacks that have occurred in South Korea and the Middle East. One incident mentioned particularly was the attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil producing company Saudi Armco. The attack on Saudi Armco had affected 30,000 computers on the company’s network. Speculators believe the hackers responsible for these attacks have been commissioned by Iran and North Korea.  
With regards to the Sony incident, “some of software used by the hackers had been compiled in Korean” (Finkle). The only motive North Korea would have in attacking Sony Entertainment’s California office would be to delay the film, The Interview. The Interview, is a film about a factious assassination attempt on Kim Jong Un. When the film was announced North Korea expressed its dissatisfaction with the movie and would not tolerate the film being distributed. While it may be speculation North Korea may be responsible for a high level cyber-attack in order to stop the distribution of The Interview.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

No Oil Price Cuts For Saudi Arabia

             OPEC’s (Oil and Petroleum Exporting Countries) leading member Saudi Arabia is currently refusing to lower oil prices in the market. Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal al-Saud refuses to lower his nation’s oil prices for two reasons. The first being he refuses to allow his nation to repeat mistakes from the past. The Saudi Prince is referring to, a previous instance in which Saudi Arabia had cut oil prices and allowed its competitors to make generous profits, from their oil. Therefore Saudi Arabia will only cut the price of its oil if its competitors agree to do the same. Saudi Arabia’s main competitors are Iran, Russia and the U.S. and will not cut prices unless these states do as well. Both Saudi Arabia and Iran cannot afford to take price cuts in the oil market. For Saudi Arabia to ask these nations to cut the price of their oil would be asking the country to intentionally damage its economy.

Russia is currently taking a massive loss in the oil industry and other markets, due to the sanctions placed on the state by the international community. Iran simply cannot afford to lower oil prices without taking a major economic hit. Speculation seems to indicate Saudi Arabia’s hard stance on cutting its oil prices may be to intentionally damage the economy of Iran and Russia. Saudi Arabia would seek to hurt the Iranian and Russian economies for their support of the al-Assad regime in Syria. Without the support of Iran and Russia, Syria’s capitol Damascus would not stand on its own for too long. The fall of Damascus and lack of Iranian aid in Syria would allow, for Saudi Arabia to claim its status of hegemon in the Middle East against its rival.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Keystone XL Pipeline

Since it was proposed by, TransCanada in 2005, the Keystone XL pipeline has been the subject of much controversy.  The pipeline was designed to move oil from Alberta across the United States and Canadian border, into North and South Dakota, and then Nebraska. The pipeline was estimated to create over 40,000 jobs. Most of the jobs however would be temporary. Nearly 4,000 of those jobs however would be given to construction workers while the rest would be given to “support jobs” (New York Times). The majority of the opposition of the pipeline came from environmental concerns. Rather than, use traditional means of obtaining oil the pipeline would extract, “oil from the Alberta sands…requiring far more fuel, water, and carbon emissions” (New York Times). The substantial environmental concerns have been the measure’s main opposition for passage.

The measure was voted upon yesterday by the Senate, were the current Democratic majority was able to defeat the measure by a single vote. In order to pass the measure would need 60 votes. The entire Republican minority of the Senate, voted for the measure’s passage that however was not enough. President Obama, was most likely going to veto the measure had it been passed. Obama’s opposition of the measure was based on the negative environmental effects it would have had on the environment. Mitch McConnell who will become the majority leader in January is adamant, the measure regarding the Keystone pipeline will return to the Senate floor very soon (Reuters).

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Russian Volunteers

            The conflict in Ukraine, rages on as the Russian military has begun to move into Ukrainian territory. The Russian military is reportedly bringing in high grade weaponry, as well as training separatist. Some the weaponry Russia has brought into Ukrainian borders includes air defense systems. Russia has vocally denied any the presence of military equipment and troops. Russia’s aggressive behavior in sending troops will undoubtedly raise alarm in the international community. Russian officials have referred to the troops in Ukrainian territory as “volunteers.” Allegedly Russian conveys have been spotted moving toward, the Donetsk region of the Ukraine. The coveys are as large as over one hundred vehicles. Russia is clearly preparing itself for a massive conflict which will likely take place in Ukrainian borders.

Due to Russia’s aggressive action the United Nations Security Council was forced to meet and discuss the issue. NATO is unclear of Russia’s intentions for the Donetsk region as the region occupies a large portion of Ukraine. Russia may be attempting to use the region to strengthen separatist movements as Donetsk has proclaimed itself, Donetsk People’s Republic. While a cease fire is still technically in effect between Russia and Ukraine it is only a matter of time, before both nations engage in military conflict. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Gunvor Group

            The Russian conflict in the Ukraine has led the United States and other Western, nations to impose sanctions on Russia. One of these sanctions prohibited the importation and sale of Russian oil in the United States. Prior to these sanctions being formally announced; Gennady Timchenko, an Arminian billionaire sold his stakes in the multibillion dollar oil corporation, Gunvor Group. In addition to the sale of his shares at a suspicious time, Timchenko has been accused of transferring funds between accounts through illegal methods. Timchenko’s assets in the United States have been frozen. Timchenko is an alleged member of, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner-circle. The two have an extensive work relationship since the early 1990s and attend the same judo club. Putin has profusely denied, any correlation between the Gunvor Group’s successes due to his relationship with Timchenko. Putin’s personal wealth is said to be directly correlated with the success of the Gunvor Group.

            Timchenko’s suspicious actions have caused; he and Putin to be put under investigation by the: U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Justice department. Both agencies have assembled an FBI to investigate allegations of money laundering and “irregular sales of state assets like oil” (WSJ). Certain Russian government contracts required the mandatory use of the Gunvor Group for distribution. The Gunvor Group also marked up the sales of oil barrels a dollar to the price per-barrel. Gunvor Group‘s accusation of “irregular sales” may stem from Gunvor’s sale of oil to third-parties. While Putin may deny the accusations against him, in order to avoid self-incrimination; if any proof were to surface Putin incriminating it would end with him potentially be imprisoned.  Any evidence proving Putin’s criminal charges may end with him being extradited and sent to the United States. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Syrian Forces Look to Cripple Rebel Opposition

    It may seem the Assad regime and the United States may have a common enemy in ISIS. While the odds of the U.S. and Syrian army joining forces to combat the militant group are slim; the Assad regime has much to benefit from bringing down a group of ISIS members. ISIS members are expected to rendezvous with Syrian rebels. If the Syrian rebels and ISIS rendezvous the Assad regime has much to lose. ISIS is expected to provide Syrian rebels with both arms and training. Currently Syrian military forces have allied themselves with Shiite militants from both Lebanon and Iran (Washington Post).  The primary target as of now for Assad and his allies on the ground is Aleppo. The main goal for Aleppo is to stop supplies from reaching the rebel forces. The Syrian military and its allies plan to reach this goal by surrounding the city. Currently Assad’s forces are attempting to take a village north of Aleppo. While the ground forces continue their campaign, Assad’s air forces are dropping barrel bombs. Barrel bombs are highly explosive and are dropped from helicopters, as of now over 120 bombs are reported to have been dropped (Washington Post). If Assad and his allies are successful in taking Aleppo from the rebels it would be a major victory in a three year confrontation.
            According to the Washington Post approx. 200,000 people have died since the confrontation began in 2011. After the rebels are dealt with, the Syrian forces are likely to shift their attention to ISIS. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Chemical Weapons in Iraq

            The United States occupation of Iraq after 9/11 has always been the subject of controversy since President Bush had announced the plan. Some saw the occupation as a method to oppose Western ideals on a nation in the Middle East in the wake of a national tragedy, along with various other reasons. Many families mourned the loss of loved ones who sacrificed their lives in order to spread democracy and confiscate weapons of mass destruction.  Since the initial occupation of Iraq we the public have been told no weapons of mass destruction either chemical or nuclear were found in Iraq.
            Today, the New York Times released a story which detailed the account of a group of United States soldiers, whom were exposed to mustard gas while in Iraq. In 2008 the group had discovered an estimated “5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs” (New York Times). Soldiers whom were exposed to mustard gas were denied treatment. Some of the troops were even instructed to lie about the incident and even deny the existence of such chemical weapons.  It is estimated “17 troops and seven Iraqi policeman were exposed” (Christian Science Monitor).
            On a separate a team of two snipers on a steak-out had recovered a non-descript shell. The commanding officer upon obtaining the shell deiced to pull out and return near their base. When the two shad come close to base the shell was to be destroyed and disposed of. Upon destruction of the shell the soldiers immediately became sick, the shell had contained saline gas. The commanding officer had put his team at risk along with his entire base as they raced back in order to receive treatment. The officers were given cover up stories and continued to stay in service after their exposure to a deadly nerve agent.

            These are only two stories out of a New York Times article which covers the stories in further detail, along with similar incidents which occurred in Iraq.  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Changes in the Secret Service

                        The Secret Service, is tasked with protecting the President, his family, and other key politicians.  Julia Pierson Secret Service Director, resigned earlier today after several security slips. The slips in security under the direction of Pierson, may have potentially lead to successful attacks on the President, his family, other politicians. In fact a man had jumped the fence of the White House with a knife and ran through the White House. After a short period of time the attacker had been tackled by an off-duty agent. Other slips in security include allowing a contract bodyguard with a gun to enter the elevator with the President. Pierson had also failed to accomplish various basic managerial decisions. Pierson constantly failed to adjust the coverage of agents due to under staffing. Agents had to be pulled from other duties to be relocated with expenditures paid in full by the Secret Service.
            Former Director Pierson, had desired to make the Secret Service, “more friendly and inviting.” The Secret Service having a laid back demeanor is unnecessary as the lives of other individuals are at stake. The Washington Post’s Carol Leoning, refers to the change in leadership as the, “Secret Services’ biggest crisis since President Regan’s shooting.”   Pierson’s frequent slips in security will not be missed by those in the Service. A change in leadership is the first step in reshaping the Secret Service to the agency it needs to be.
            Former Secret Service Agent Joseph Clancy has been selected to replace Pierson temporarily. The reaction to Clancy taking on the role of Director temporarily, has been positive. Clancy prior to retiring had ran President Obama’s security team. It is highly unlikely that Clancy will make any drastic changes to the Secret Service.  Since, the odds of Clancy becoming Director permanently are low. Under Clancy the Secret Service is expected to be able to perform without any slips in security. Once a new Director is selected the Secret Service is expected to make an overhaul in policies and performance. Expectations for the Secret Service in a post-Pierson era are high.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Slight Progress in Ukraine Russia Conflict

            The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, has begun to show signs of slowing down. Russia has reportedly pulled out some of its troops from Ukraine. While the troops have been pulled from within Ukrainian borders, the troops now occupy nearby borders. The number of Russian troops that withdrew from within the Ukraine, may be unknown. The withdrawal of Russian troops, should be considered as progress when compared to the cease fire, from earlier this month. During the cease fire Russian troops, were seem crossing the border into Ukraine with artillery. Russian troops had also fired upon Ukraine soldiers during the period of cease fire. Speculation suggest separatist controlled borders may be allowing Russian troops and supplies into Ukraine.
            Russia much like Ukraine has been experiencing economic repercussions, as a result of the conflict with the Ukraine. Western nations have put numerous sanctions on Russia weakening the state’s economy. The United States as mentioned last week’s blog post voted to give Ukraine aid and increase the amount of sanctions on Russia. Japan has recently followed the actions of its western allies. Japan’s sanctions include increased restrictions of weapons exports to Japan.  Prior to Japan’s increased export restrictions the nation had frozen the back accounts of individuals who are known to be aiding Russian separatist with in Ukraine.  In response to Japan’s actions Russia has ordered five banks to stop securities sales to Japan. Japan had recently invited President Putin to visit the nation in order to discuss issues that would concern both nations such as energy partnership and territory disputes. President Putin’s visit to Japan looks rather unlikely as of recently.

While Russia may hold the upper hand in their conflict with Ukraine, the state is losing ground within the international community. The Russian economy much like the Ukrainian economy is suffering. A major difference between the two is the Ukrainian economy is receiving aid from western states and the international community. The numerous sanctions against the Russian economy are undoubtedly taking a toll on the nation. Russia may be able to withstand the sanctions for now, but over time the state will likely show visible symptoms of economic hardship. It would be in Russia’s best long term acknowledge Ukraine as an independent nation, as well as removing troops from within Ukraine’s borders. If Russia was to put an end to the conflict, the sanctions levied against the nation will start slowly be removed giving Russia the economic stimulus it needs. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Winter is coming...

 The conflict between Russia and Ukraine began in early 2014. Although, the Ukraine is still fighting to remain independent from Russia, the nation will soon have to fight off the winter. Ukraine leaders have become desperate for supplies as they are receiving little aid from separatist heavy areas of the Ukraine. These separatist inhabited areas have potential to supply a small portion of coal to provide to get the nation through the winter. It is highly unlikely the separatist will provide any coal to the rest of the Ukraine. Russia, is also making it difficult for Ukrainians to surviving the winter as it has severed supplies of gas.
            While Ukraine is attempting to build economic ties with Europe, Russian opposition has slowed down the process. Keeping Ukraine tied to the Russian economy for an expected 15 months as opposed to Ukraine joining the Euro. The international monetary fund (IMF) has agreed to loan the Ukraine approx. $18 billion dollars in aid which will be dispersed to the nation over two years.  Now, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko turns to the United States for economic aid in a desperate time. President Obama is ready and willing to commit 70 million dollars in non-lethal aid, which also includes military training. Some members of the legislature may be weary of voting to give more aid to Ukraine and impose more sanctions on Russia. Due to a government system plagued with corruption and similarities to Russia’s government.

            In my opinion the people of the Ukraine are under dire straits and need all the help they can get.  Winter is coming, closer each day and will take the lives of Ukraine as it did to Napoleon in his attempted conquest of Russia. While Ukraine will be receiving money from the IMF as well as aid from the United States, supplies of coal and gasoline will be pivotal in the Ukraine’s survival until spring. Perhaps, President Obama should send coal and gasoline as a portion of the $70 million he is willing to give as aid. In order to slightly loosen the stronghold Russia has on Ukraine.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

President Obama Puts Action Behind His Vow

            President Obama is drastically change his approach to handling terrorism in the Middle East.  President Obama plans to launch an aggressive airstrike against ISIS. The airstrikes will be targeting the Iraq and Syrian borders. Iraq and Syria’s shared borders are speculated to be home to the Middle Eastern terrorist organization, which is known to have both United States and British citizens among its members.  According to the Washington Post, the Obama administration plans to move forward with this plan with or without the permission of congress as the President stated, “He did not need new authority from congress to purse his approach.”
            One could believe that President Obama’s actions are a result of the beheading of two U.S. journalist James Foley and Steven Sotloff, which were video tapped and released by ISIS. President Obama is putting action behind the vow he took, in which he promised to bring ISIS top justice. Vice President Joe Biden shared similar sentiment as he had stated, “We will follow them (ISIS) to the Gates of Hell.”
            President Obama will likely give some insight to his plans Wednesday night at nine when plans to give an address. One should consider the repercussions of the President’s planed airstrike. Due to the possibility of air strikes creating more conflict between the Syrian government and rebels within areas surrounding the Iraqi and Syrian border. The planned air strike will likely provoke, and cause similar terrorist organizations with similar ideals to take action and make the U.S. pay for their actions in one form or another.
            One should also consider President Obama’s lack of congressional approval whether it is needed or not. Lack of congressional approval may cause, tension’s to be high with President Obama and Congress. High tensions with the President and Congress may make it difficult for the President to receive congressional backing on legislation he would seek to enact during the third year of his final term.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014



Yesterday, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) a jihadist group, released a video depicting the beheading of U.S. Journalist Steven Sotloff.  Sotloff was believed to be an ISIS prisoner since 2013. Sotloff’s beheading is the second to have been recorded and released, the first video depicted the beheading of U.S. Journalist, James Foley. Foley’s execution led to President Obama, vowing to take immediate action against ISIS. ISIS continues to grow as a threat to U.S. National Security. Obama has upheld his vow to take action against ISIS, through the use of air strikes. The effectiveness of the air strikes may be minimal, and may only be provoking ISIS. A member of ISIS referenced recent U.S. airstrikes in Sotloff’s video.
            If provoked by another airstrike or action by U.S. ISIS may release another video demonstrating the execution of another prisoner. At least one other is known to be in custody of ISIS, British Aid Worker David Haines. The number of prisoners in ISIS’ custody is unknown. ISIS is becoming increasingly dangerous as some members are known to be British and U.S. citizens. One week ago a U.S. citizen was found dead and confirmed to be a member of ISIS.  Videos of both Foley and Sotoloff show an unknown man with a British accent speaking into the camera.  The presence of both British and U.S. citizens in ISIS ranks may indicate, members of the group may be present in both countries. 