Tuesday, September 9, 2014

President Obama Puts Action Behind His Vow

            President Obama is drastically change his approach to handling terrorism in the Middle East.  President Obama plans to launch an aggressive airstrike against ISIS. The airstrikes will be targeting the Iraq and Syrian borders. Iraq and Syria’s shared borders are speculated to be home to the Middle Eastern terrorist organization, which is known to have both United States and British citizens among its members.  According to the Washington Post, the Obama administration plans to move forward with this plan with or without the permission of congress as the President stated, “He did not need new authority from congress to purse his approach.”
            One could believe that President Obama’s actions are a result of the beheading of two U.S. journalist James Foley and Steven Sotloff, which were video tapped and released by ISIS. President Obama is putting action behind the vow he took, in which he promised to bring ISIS top justice. Vice President Joe Biden shared similar sentiment as he had stated, “We will follow them (ISIS) to the Gates of Hell.”
            President Obama will likely give some insight to his plans Wednesday night at nine when plans to give an address. One should consider the repercussions of the President’s planed airstrike. Due to the possibility of air strikes creating more conflict between the Syrian government and rebels within areas surrounding the Iraqi and Syrian border. The planned air strike will likely provoke, and cause similar terrorist organizations with similar ideals to take action and make the U.S. pay for their actions in one form or another.
            One should also consider President Obama’s lack of congressional approval whether it is needed or not. Lack of congressional approval may cause, tension’s to be high with President Obama and Congress. High tensions with the President and Congress may make it difficult for the President to receive congressional backing on legislation he would seek to enact during the third year of his final term.

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