Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Russian Volunteers

            The conflict in Ukraine, rages on as the Russian military has begun to move into Ukrainian territory. The Russian military is reportedly bringing in high grade weaponry, as well as training separatist. Some the weaponry Russia has brought into Ukrainian borders includes air defense systems. Russia has vocally denied any the presence of military equipment and troops. Russia’s aggressive behavior in sending troops will undoubtedly raise alarm in the international community. Russian officials have referred to the troops in Ukrainian territory as “volunteers.” Allegedly Russian conveys have been spotted moving toward, the Donetsk region of the Ukraine. The coveys are as large as over one hundred vehicles. Russia is clearly preparing itself for a massive conflict which will likely take place in Ukrainian borders.

Due to Russia’s aggressive action the United Nations Security Council was forced to meet and discuss the issue. NATO is unclear of Russia’s intentions for the Donetsk region as the region occupies a large portion of Ukraine. Russia may be attempting to use the region to strengthen separatist movements as Donetsk has proclaimed itself, Donetsk People’s Republic. While a cease fire is still technically in effect between Russia and Ukraine it is only a matter of time, before both nations engage in military conflict. 

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